Friday, July 5, 2013

Traveling with Chronic Migraines & Cluster Cluster Headaches

Leaving my house since I became Chronic with Migraines and Clusters is not my idea of a relaxing time.  So when we began planning our first trip in 4 yours this past June, I began to panic.  My thoughts kept going to the many ways this could turn into a disaster.  So I reached out to my circle of support and asked for ways to calm my nerves.  I quickly came up a travel plan.....

1. Have medication, will travel.  I made sure that I had enough daily medications and emergency abortive medications to keep me as comfortable as possible for my 5 days away from home.  

2. Keep my meditation and breathing exercises close.  I downloaded all of my exercises on my iPod shuffle so I could use them to keep myself calm no matter where we went.  

3. Plan to wear layers.  Temperature changes of any kind can trigger Cluster attacks for me.  So I made sure I packed tank tops and carried sweaters at all times so I could try to keep my temperature regulated no matter what temperatures I encountered.  

4.  Pace myself.  Since we went to visit family, my want was to be as involved in as many activities as possible. I have suffered from insomnia for the past 4 years.  Sleep and naps can trigger attacks for me.  So it was important for me to make sure that I rested when I needed.  This meant missing some family time, but made the overall trip much better.

5. Eat regularly and stay hydrated.  It is very normal for my feeding and watering schedule to fall around my Migraines and Clusters.  With Migraines I tend to get very nauseous and the thought of moving to eat food is not appealing.  With my Clusters I have a tendency to eat because sitting still is not an option.  These behaviors are not helpful for providing my body the nutrients I need to be as healthy as possible.  So what I am trying to do it eat healthy meals and snacks throughout the day.  This way if I can't eat due to a Migraine, I am not sending my body into a nose dive.  And if a Cluster hits I try to munch on healthy snacks or find another safe physical activity to do.

6. Enjoy the moment I'm in and don't worry about the next moment.  My anxiety tends to increase when I focus on the big picture instead of the small details.  When I worry about how long we will be from home, how many people I will be around, what perfume/smells I will come into contact with, ect.- I begin to stress. Stress = increased pain
So I try to focus on concurring one moment at a time.  

I wish I could say that I enjoyed a pain free trip, but those of us who are Chronic know that would not be likely.  Three out of the five days were tough.  On the day we were scheduled to leave I woke up in a Cluster attack, with. a migraine, dizzy and I became nauseous every time I moved.  I did not think getting on a plane was going to happened.  I quickly put my plan into action and saved the day- we made our flight home; back to my safe haven. 
Traveling with Chronic Migraines and Chronic Clusters is no high on my priority list.  But it was nice to see that it could be done.  A few things I added to my traveling tool kit for the next time....

1. Bring an essential oil or vicks vapor rub to use as a barrier from other smells.  I have learned through trial and error different smells that will calm the BEAST and others that will send the BEAST into fight mode.  I will make sure the next time I travel I bring them!!!

2. Keep a shower cap handy.  Showers are a must. I use them daily to get clean but also as a way to calm myself during a Cluster Attack.  Having a shower cap means I can jump in a shower whenever I need to and not worry about having to do my hair every single time- that can be exhausting!!!

3. Only pack needed clothes.  I tend to struggle with what am I going to wear when not feeling well.  All of the choices tend to send my brain in overdrive.  This trip I only took what I needed, so there was not any time wasted trying on different outfits or worrying about what I was going to wear.  Less stress = more relaxation!!!!!!

I felt so good about my trip that I am also trying to implement these ideas into everyday life so my anxiety around leaving my 'safe place' decreases. 


  1. I love your tips. I feel like many of them are great for everyone, not just those who suffer from Cluster Headaches. Even though I don't suffer from headaches, I feel like we have a lot in common. I too am learning to deal with anxiety and insomnia.

    1. I agree 100%!!!! Traveling can be stressful for all- a game plan is always good!!! You have the added fun of your little one also.

  2. Great tips - especially the shower cap. That's one I didn't include but use frequently as well. When the hotel maids accidentally run off with my cheap-o caps, it's one thing I really make a priority to replace.

    1. It's funny Ellen, I never thought of using a shower can until I purchased one for my daughter. Now I couldn't be without one.

  3. Great tips and advice. I hope your next trip will be fun and pain free :)
