Thursday, June 27, 2013

Migraine & Headache Awareness Month #26 Men in Black: Migraine Neuralizer

How do you cope with the way Migraine/Headache Disorders can impact our memories?

This prompt led me to look at this question in two different ways.  I have included my thoughts on both......

With Migraines and Headache Disorders comes treatments- LOTS OF TREATMENTS!  With the treatments comes side-effects.  Forgetfulness, fumbling of words and straight out memory loss are some big ones.  When I was working I would struggle with this due to having to keep track of appointments, session notes and conversations.  Initially, it seemed pretty easy to keep track of things; I just had to make sure I was diligent in keeping notes.  While this added time to my day, in the end it was a huge help, so I didn't mind.  But after a year of trying different meds and piling one medication on top of another, I got to the point that I did not know which way was up or down.  There was a period when I first got out of the hospital after 4 days of constant IV meds that I knew I was about to hit my brick wall.  My father was driving me to work, I would dose off without notice and I could barely see straight.  It was at this point I knew something had to change; I couldn't live like this. 
I would like to say that all of the medication were helping me.  But they weren't.  Instead I was just so discombobulated by the medication that I didn't care what I was going through.  Four months later I made a decision to stop taking all of my medication and at least live in the real world.  This soon meant leaving work due to the amount of pain I was suffering with.  At that point I thought it would be easier to go forward in life, even if there were some long-term memory loss due to previous medications I had tried.  While it is a bit more "acceptable" to suffer from my memory loss since I am not working, it is not any less annoying.  So The best way I know to deal with it is to write everything down!!!!!! 

Since my attacks hit what I consider my catastrophic level, my memories have been greatly impacted.  Right before I started suffering from Chronic Cluster Headaches I celebrated two accomplishments in my life; graduating with my Masters Degree and getting married.  In July 2009, I was in the clouds with all of my excitement.  The life I had always dreamed about was finally beginning.  Three months later I was hit with what felt like a semi truck and all of my memories changed.  I have worked very hard to try to accept who I am, at this moment, and not spend 24/7 dreaming of what I thought life would be like.  But I have to admit that more times than not, I am stuck in the quicksand of 'what if''.  My memories are now sad reminders of the person I used to be and they make me jealous for what I no longer have.  Believe me when I say that everyday I work to be patient and understand that while I may not be who I always wanted to be; I am the best me that I can be today. 

June 2013, Migraine and Headache Awareness Month, is dedicated to Unmasking the Mystery of Chronic Headache Disorders. The 2013 Migraine and Headache Awareness Month Blog Challenge is a project of

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