Monday, June 3, 2013

Migraine & Headache Awareness Month #3- The Hunger Games

I would like to say that I have always done everything I can to help myself, but that doesn't always tend to be human nature; and regardless of what some family members believe; I am human (not an alien with monkey toes).  If my cluster headache and chronic migraines have taught me anything, it is to be proactive.  Since I tend to be a(n) controlling organized person, I have become pretty good at keeping track of things.  Most of my doctors are horrified when they walk into the examining room and I have my 20 suitcases full of medical records and Headache/Migraine charts taking up all of the room.  After he/she makes their way through the forest I have brought with me, we get down to business. 
1) When did you start experiencing head pain?
2) Describe your symptoms?
3) How many attacks do you have?
4) How long do they last?
5) What makes the attacks better?
6) What makes the attacks worse?
and so on and so on and so on......

I have the questions memorized, so frequently I confuse the new doctor by just calling out answers to questions he/she have not asked yet.  It's breaks up the routine a bit....

With all kidding aside; I have come to live by my- DO THIS; NOT THAT RULES!!!!
1) Do not drink alcohol unless you want to be screaming in pain for three days.
2) Do not do strenuous exercise.  ***My physical therapist taught me to increase my incline on treadmill instead of speed so I am getting exercise without triggering an attack.
3) Do not take naps and try to get enough sleep.  This is a tricky one.  My body is terrified to sleep because that is when the beast (Cluster Attack) comes out to play.  But if I don't get enough sleep the beast comes anyway and brings a migraine along for an added bonus.  And naps are like setting off fireworks in my living room- really enjoyable but hazardous at the same time!
4) Try to eat right.  Which is a joke!  Making food is impossible.  And the last thing I want to munch on when doubling over in pain is a carrot!  Bring on the chips and chocolate baby.  I may not be able to form a sentence; but I can sniff out my junk food anytime.  However, I can definitely feel the difference in severity of attacks when I follow this rule.
5) Stay calm.  Anyone who truly knows me is laughing at this statement.  Having less stress and dealing with situations accordingly is best for the Migraine & Headache sufferer.

Now I said that I have come to live by all of these; that doesn't always mean I am successful at living by them all of the time.  The best that we can do is our best in the moment.  For each Migraine & Headache that we suffer through and come out on the other side to fight another day is a win for us!!!!!  The main goal for me is to just keep breathing....

June 2013, Migraine and Headache Awareness Month, is dedicated to Unmasking the Mystery of Chronic Headache Disorders. The 2013 Migraine and Headache Awareness Month Blog Challenge is a project of

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