Thursday, June 5, 2014

Migraine & Headache Awareness Month 2014 #3- What dreams?!

Day #3 prompt: Tell us about a recurrent dream and what it might say about, or mean to your diagnosis.

This is a pretty easy blog for me to write....

I do not have a recurrent dream because I do not sleep on a regular basis.  Cluster Headaches bring daily attacks.  For me my night time attack is at 3:30am.  Even if I am lucky enough to skip my nightly attack, my body still wakes itself up at 3:29am daily.  I am not sure if this has become my body's defense mechanism or what.  I get in patterns where I have a tendency not to try to fall asleep before my nightly attack.  I keep convincing myself that if I can just prepare myself it will get easier; it hasn't.  I did take sleeping pills for years to just calm down enough to fall asleep, but even those did not keep me from being ripped awake by my 3:30am monster.  Eventually my body became used to the pills and no longer worked.  I currently use meditation, biofeedback and yoga to try to help me relax.  Needless to say I spend most nights out on the couch so I don't keep my very loving husband awake!

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